I love this location! Such a beautiful place!

I love this location! Such a beautiful place!
Valerie Walker and Monica Evans - PhotoBerry Cofounders
We were just 4 friends having fun coming up with ideas and then we came up with PhotoBerry and now the rest is history! PhotoBerry is our love and passion and I am so excited to share it with you!
Read MorePhoto by John Guccione www.advergroup.com from Pexels
Shaun (my husband) and I have heard a lot of people will be struggling, especially in the month of April, to pay all of the bills so we want to help!
Shaun built an expense matrix that can help you find those hidden unnecessary expenses that are taking all of your money. It’s a great tool to help you understand what is really necessary to pay for and what may be something you can skip out on next month so you can pay the bills that are actually important!
To fill out your own, click on the link below and right click on FILE then MAKE A COPY to copy the template to your own google Drive. The formula is set and ready to use so after that all you need to do is plug in the numbers and you are good to go! DO NOT WORK ON THE ACTUAL FILE LINKED (or else everybody else will have access to your expenses haha). Let us know if you need help!
Shaun explains everything about this matrix including our budget in this Youtube video below!
If you have any questions reach out to us! We love to talk about money and help others with their budgets!
Share with whomever you think could benefit from this google sheet Money Matrix!
On every trip I go on whether for leisure or for work, I bring along at least one roll of film to shoot for myself. I treat this roll of film as a little gift for when I get home. It ends up being the perfect souvenir, not only because it was created in the place I experienced, but also because it was a captured memory or moment.
The last photo job I went on to the Bahamas, I was asked (more than a few times) why I shoot film when I could probably reproduce the same "look" digitally. Perhaps I could get close to producing the same look as film digitally, but I could not reproduce the experience of shooting film.
The experience is what makes shooting film magical. Each frame is important. Each frame is unrepeatable, unique, and a chance to create something that requires patience to view. When I shoot in film, i'm creating a gift for my future self.
In a world of instant gratification, film makes me wait. And that experience is sometimes the most important of all.
Here are a few of my "souvenirs." Hope you enjoy!
Hey all,
Thank you for your patience as I am updating my portfolio and getting this website up and running! This Blog will hopefully be up and running soon after I get my portfolio finished! Enjoy this image of Dublin Ireland while you wait for my first blog post!
Clontarf Dublin, Ireland