2/19/2025 Jane and Kennoway have a morning adventure. Jane does a photo shoot of Kennoway.
2/20/2025 I make homemade pop tarts with my friend Ashling! Yum! Jane loves to pose with one eye squinting haha
2/21/2025 play date with Julie. Jane had so much fun she keeps asking to go back.
2/22/2025 Played stake basketball with some other women and my team won!
2/23/2025 Kennoway having fun in Nursery and kids matching pajamas. Kennoway saying “cheese”
My week 8 prompt black and white
2/24/2025 Jane pretending she’s pregnant and library story time shenanigans. Julie hugs at the park.
2/25/2025 Kennoway on our walk around Shelby Farms Park. Jane and Kennoway playing in the nice weather in our backyard.
2/26/2025 matching outfits from Grandma Cheatham! So cute! Zoo day in the good weather with Ivy! Sailor Moon shirts and Kennoway with Jacob Summers at the park.
2/27/2025 goofy selfie of me. Jane in new Easter dress from Grandma Cheatham. Kennoway in daddy’s old hat. Kennoway and Becky Sue. Kennoway and Lego quatros! New toy to play with little people jungle. Daddy brought home big paper so he traced Jane and Kennoway on it.