6/8/2021 The scariest day ever. Jane had a slight fever starting around lunch time. She was being extra snuggly so I knew she didn’t feel good. She took a long nap on me and I monitored her temperature and it never got above 100.5. I called her pediatrician and the nurse just told me to give her Tylenol. Shaun came home early because our friends the Laxton’s went into labor and we are dog sitting their dog Sherlock. At 5:25pm Shaun gave Jane Tylenol. At 5:35pm we went next door to see how everything was doing on the flip and while standing outside with Jane in my arms she suddenly bent backwards. She does this sometimes to look at trees. Shaun made me aware that she was bending backwards farther than usual and I looked at her and her eyes were rolling back into her head. I knew instantly she was having a seizure. We both went into panic mode and ran into our house next door. I laid her on the ground while Shaun called 911. Her lips were turning blue and she was unresponsive and I was starting to think I was losing my baby. I rolled her on her side and started rubbing her back. Shaun had the ambulance on the way at this time. The dispatcher was asking if she was breathing and she was but very weirdly. Shaun told me to rub her chest so I did and she started to breathe a little more normal. I was begging Jane to stay with me in complete flight mode. Jane started to regulate a little and do some soft cries but still wasn’t herself. I moved her to the couch still on her side while we waited for the ambulance and sobbed. The EMTS arrived and barely touched her. She was whimpering when they got there. They informed us it was probably a febrile seizure and told us it happened all the time which made me feel a little better but still scared out of my wits. They told us to call the pediatrician to see what they suggested we do and then left. The pediatrician told us to go to the ER at Le Bonheur Children’s hospital to have her checked out. We went there and they did some testing and tested her for a uti by inserting a catheter to get some urine. It came back clean and everything else checked out. They released us at like 10:30pm and Shaun and I were still so worried that we hardly slept all night and monitored her because they told us to watch for another one within 24 hrs. She has been clingy today but we have kept up on Tylenol and she’s been doing better. It was literally the scariest thing that has ever happened to us and I hope it never happens again. Jane is our whole world right now and I’m just so glad she’s okay. She has a follow up appt with her pediatrician in a few days. We were so grateful for the prayers our families said and loving words.
The bottom 4 images are from 6/9/2021 the day after the seizure.