Just a few pictures from the past few days.
A gorgeous sunset seen from our home! March 1, 2021
My friend JaNessa sent me this in the mail, it made my day! What a sweet gift!
Our brother Ryan is super talented when it comes to woodworking and made these incredible frames for our first edition Book of Mormon pages!!!
These will be the most amazing heirloom pieces! We are so grateful to have a brother as talented as Ryan!
I’m a sucker for really great illustration! Can’t wait for Jane to grow into this book.
Jane blowing raspberries on my cheek. She loves buzzing her lips and blowing bubbles.
Bella the watchdog. This week it was warm enough to keep the door open so Bella was enjoying herself.
I love this little sweet love’s profile.
This morning Shaun brought me breakfast in bed and this was my view while eating it. :)
The Holmes Duplex kitchen got renovated so I took some pictures.
Walked to the library today while Shaun was fixing stuff at the Holmes Duplex and it was fun! I read Jane 3 books and she loved the colorful kids area.