From Walks to fun outfits we had a great month! Here are some extra goodies to look at!
Extra March Goodies
From Walks to fun outfits we had a great month! Here are some extra goodies to look at!
From Walks to fun outfits we had a great month! Here are some extra goodies to look at!
Jane knows how to turn in circles now. She’s getting so big and learning so much. She also recently loves to babble and stick her tongue out. She loves smiling and having fun.
I’m writing this in between the two sleeping sweethearts of my life, Jane and Shaun. Today was hard, but it was beautiful! Jane decided to need me a lot and I let her need me. Because time is passing quickly and she deserves my time. Today was also so beautiful. I went on a walk finally, I’ve been waiting all weekend to go walking and enjoy the blooms that have adorned the trees. I’m so grateful for this beautiful life I’m living. I couldn’t be more blessed to share it with Shaun, Jane, and Bella.
Holland sent me this Snapchat and it made my day!
Jane had her first cereal tonight and loved eating off of a spoon. She was a natural at it and seemed to enjoy it! Not sure if I did it right but her tummy was hurting right before bed and I can’t help but wonder if it was because of the new food. We may hold off for another couple of weeks and see what happens.
Jane is 5 months old today! She is such a joy and has been learning so much! She learned how to roll from back to front and spit bubbles and babble and chew her toes. Bella is her favorite! Bella can always make her laugh. It’s so sweet! It’s been so fun watching this sweet thing grow! I’m one lucky momma!
Just a few pictures from the past few days.
Some February phone memories we want to remember.
Today Jane rolled from her back to her front for the first time and loved it so much that she did it over and over ALL day long. It was cute but also makes it so now she’s mobile and on the move! Every milestone I get so excited but also sad because it seems like everything goes so fast! I’m trying my best to cherish the moments!
We also went on a walk today as a family and it was so glorious! The weather was PERFECT 60’s and I just wanted it to last forever. Jane and Bella were super happy too after being cooped up in the house during that crazy Memphis storm last week!
We had a wonderful Sabbath day enjoying each other and watching the snow fall outside. Memphis is experiencing a once in a kind snow/ice storm. It’s been fun staying inside while it feels like 1 degree outside. Jane is teething though and has been having a hard time. I’m so grateful for all of my Valentine’s!
Memphis had a crazy ice storm last night and when we woke up the whole outside world was covered in ice! It was crazy!
So Jane had her 4 month check up on Monday and the doctor said I needed to start thinking of training her to sleep not in her swaddle! I was so sad about that because ever since we have swaddled her she sleeps all through the night and it’s been wonderful getting good sleep. So Monday night we quit cold turkey and it was seriously awful. She woke up at 1, 3, 5, and 7 and then we finally swaddled her so I could get some sleep and she slept so well when we did that. Then Tuesday because she had an awful nights rest both Jane and I were in awful moods. She cried and was needy all day and I also found out she is at the beginning stages of teething so all of that put together I knew we needed to swaddle her Tuesday night. But I decided we would put her to bed without it and then when she woke up again to put her in the swaddle. Well she woke up at 10:30 so we swaddled her and she slept through the night again. We did that again Wednesday night and then today I did some research because my girl loves her swaddle. So TONIGHT we are trying a different method. She starts falling asleep at around 9:30 so at 9:30 we put her in her bed in the swaddle but with just 1 arm out and 1 arm in. Within minutes she was asleep and I really hope this is the answer because I want my baby to be happy but also learn how to sleep without the swaddle! Anyway, I’m feeling so blessed to have my little family and thanks for reading this little novel.
What a beautiful day! My Janey girl is 4 months old! She was blessed yesterday by daddy and got to wear my dress I was blessed in in 1993. We just love this girl so much. She is so smart and happy and we just can’t get enough of her! She sleeps through the night and has started to belly laugh which is our favorite sound. She’s curious and loves playing with new toys. We were lucky enough to have my mom and two younger siblings come for the weekend and Jane had such a blast. We miss them already! We are thankful for zoom so our other family members could join in from afar.
Beautiful blanket made by Alyssa Massey Russell
We bought a new rug so Jane can roll around and play on the floor more. Our old rug was originally an outdoor rug so was too rough for tummy time and is going in our room now.
Today was CRAZY. Jane was so good and fell asleep while I was playing with her on the couch. I went to check on an order and it had turned into a gigantic mess. As I was trying to organize it I heard a thump and a cry and Jane had rolled off the couch! Ugh… I’m the worst mom ever. She luckily landed on a soft blanket and didn’t hit her head but this first time momma was more traumatized than Jane. Haha I picked her up and she instantly stopped crying and I guess I learned my lesson. *Facepalm*
Man this month just flew by! I can’t believe how quickly! Jane is getting good at tummy time and Bella follows her around everywhere. It’s so cute to watch. I am finishing up my film for the month today. I also gave a talk on fasting in church today and Jane slept the whole way through! What a blessing this little family is to me.
I’ve been cleaning out my closet lately and was able to get rid of 38 items of clothing. Including my t-shirt collection which was full of shirts I could never wear again. Because I knew I didn’t want a t-shirt quilt I decided to photograph them.
Memories from recently.
My mom’s only birthday request was to have Shaun play “Feels so good” by Chuck Mangione on the trumpet for her. So we took it a step further and made this custom album cover to make it even more fun!